

Elevate your Finale 3D Experience with FinaleTools!

Built with love to enhance your sim-building and show-designing workflow.

Download FinaleTools V1.2.54

Advanced VDL Editor


Protractor Overlay


Color Picker


Graph Editor


BPM Calculator


Keyboard Shortcuts

Maximize your efficiency with these keyboard shortcuts designed for quick and easy use within Finale 3D and FinaleTools.


Getting Started

  1. Launch Finale 3D.
  2. Launch FinaleTools and dismiss the splash screen.
  3. Use Finale 3D as you would normally. When you're focused on a VDL editor window and have the complete VDL text highlighted, press Ctrl + Shift + X to open the FinaleTools VDL Editor to enhance your editing experience.
  4. When you've finished creating or editing your sim, press Ctrl + Shift + X again to save your changes and close the editor, and watch as your changes are seamlessly applied to the effect in Finale 3D.
  5. When you need to measure angles in a photo or video, press Ctrl + Shift + 5 to open the protractor overlay. Drag it to where you need so you can measure angles with precision. Press the shortcut again to hide the protractor.
  6. If you're working with custom effects in the Effects Editor and need to change colors, but want to use Finale's default, built-in colors (like "Red", "Blue", etc), you need to use hex color codes that correspond to those color names. Press Ctrl + Shift + 6 to open the color picker window. Click on the color you want and its hex code will be copied to your clipboard for you to paste into the Effect Editor in Finale 3D. Press the shortcut again to hide the color picker when you aren't using it.
  7. If you're working on an effect where you need some kind of custom curve (for example, maybe you need to create a slowly dimming star that suddenly gets bright just before going dark), press Ctrl + Shift + 7 to open the graph editor window. Create your desired curve by clicking in the graph editor to place and adjust points. When you're ready to use your new curve data in Finale 3D, click the 'Copy' button to copy the curve data to your clipboard, then paste it into the graph editor in Finale 3D. Press the keyboard shortcut again to hide the graph editor when you aren't using it.
  8. When you need to know how to spread your shots on the timeline to match your music, you need to know the BPM and time between notes. Press Ctrl + Shift + 8 to open the BPM calculator window. Play your music, press the start button on the BPM calculator window, then tap the button or press Space in time with the music to calculate the BPM. The window will show you the BPM and the time between various note intervals. Click the hammer button to intelligently round the calculated value. Finally, click any time value shown to copy it to your clipboard automatically, ready to paste into Finale 3D. Press the shortcut again to hide the BPM calculator when you aren't using it.
  9. Enjoy building better sims faster and easier than ever before!

Privacy Policy

FinaleTools respects your privacy and operates solely to enhance your Finale 3D experience. It uses the system clipboard to facilitate a smooth workflow between Finale 3D and FinaleTools, and automation scripting that mimics mouse and keyboard inputs, but no personal data is used or transmitted anywhere, ensuring your creative process remains private and secure. The software connects to a remote server to retrieve configuration information and check for updates upon launch, but no personal information is used or collected for this. No information of any kind is collected or used for anything except to provide the described and expected functionality of the software.

This site uses Google Analytics to track and analyze page views and interactions to help improve the website and your experience. No personally identifiable information is collected for this. See Google's Privacy Policies for more information.

Legal Disclaimer


For any inquiries, concerns, or questions related to FinaleTools, please reach out to the developer.